Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Computers: Building Blocks of Today’s World

Computers have taken the human society into another stage. It is used in each and every aspect of human life. It is difficult to imagine a world without computers. This revolutionary technology is indeed a boon to the human race. We train our client's employees or individuals on use of the most importantly & widely used softwares such as AutoCAD, Pro-E, Catia & other technical software.

Computers are one of the most important foundation stone of today’s modernized world. Computers are almost used in all purposes ranging from household purposes to high scale industries. The extent of use of computers determines the advancement of the country. A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It consists of 2 parts-hardware and software. The speed of computers also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today’s world. Millions of people use computers all over the world.

There are several uses of computers such as word processing, internet, digital video, uses in medicines & many more. Word Processing software automatically corrects spelling and grammar mistakes. If the content of a document repeats you don’t have to type it each time. You can use the copy and paste features. You can printout documents and make several copies.  Internet is a network of almost all the computers in the world. Computers can store enormous amounts of information & they provide very fast and convenient access to information. Through E-Mail you can communicate with a person sitting thousands of miles away in seconds. There is chat software that enables one to chat with another person on a real-time basis. Graphics engineers can use computers to generate short or full-length films or even to create three-dimensional models. We can diagnose diseases & also learn the cures. Software is used for performing surgery.

Computers are used to store patient data. Computers have computing speeds of over a million calculations per second we can perform the biggest of mathematical calculations. All financial transactions are done by computer software as they provide security, speed and convenience. One can book air tickets or railway tickets and make hotel reservations online. All mobile phones have software embedded in them. There is software embedded in almost every weapon. Software is used for controlling the flight and targeting in ballistic missiles. Software is used to control access to atomic bombs. Instead of a book it is easier to learn from an E-learning software. You can give online exams and get instant results. You can check your examination results online. Shops and supermarkets use software, which calculate the bills. Taxes can be calculated and paid online. Accounting is done using computers. Software is used in major stock markets & can do trading online. There are fully automated factories running on software.

We, Chiplunkar Engineering Services, provide a full fledged study on use & making of different software. We have a full fledged facility to train our client's employees or individuals on use of the most importantly & widely used softwares such as AutoCAD, Pro-E, Catia & other technical software. The training is imparted in our institute or at Clients premises based on the clients convenience. This training is imparted in collaboration with M/s Antech Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

1 comment:

  1. Its a nice topic.I agree with you that computer is become the important part of every one's life.It plays an important role in everyone's life.It is used in every industry.Your company performs nice role in such regard.Keep it up .

    Computer Repair Boston
